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Monday, 11 January 2016

The "Bishop Of The Whole World"

Jesus' Holiness, Saint Daniel Dikeji Miyerijesu, the Demon Destroyer aka Osu (Leader), and by the Divine Grace of God, the Bishop of the whole world (this is exactly how he is addressed by his congregation) is the founder/bishop of God's Grace Ministries Inc (GGM) based in Warri, Delta state, Nigeria. He claims he was divinely ordained by Jesus Christ himself to be the "Bishop of the whole world" in 2008. He is also addressed as "Jesus Doctor" and "The Apple of God's Eye."

Mr Miyerijesu, who used to be an Anglican cleric, got the call to start his own church in a manner similar to how the prophet Samuel did; by hearing the voice of God calling him by his native name, Dikeji, three times and realizing at the third call that it was the lord who was actually speaking to him. He used to be known as Rt Rev Evangelist Daniel Dikeji Mimeyeraye, before changing the surname of his whole family (including his mother whom he gave a lavish funeral) to Miyerijesu (which loosely translates into 'I praise Jesus'). This deluded living saint is running his own personal cult which he claims is one of the "fastest growing ministries in the world," along with the inevitable claims of winning souls for the kingdom of heaven, miracles, and signs and wonders.

This man takes his demon destroying duties very seriously, and regularly goes into those very remote villages located in the luxurious greenery of Delta state who still worship carved wooden idols, reptiles such as alligators and pythons, and trees, to rid them of demons. He cuts down such trees, gathers and burns their idols, and then proceeds to baptize entire villages. He was once rumoured to have killed and eaten a deified alligator, and the fact that he is still alive after literally encountering so many 'demons' face to face serves only to add to his mystique. And it does not do his bank account any harm either.

Ignorance and illiteracy fuel the superstitions prevalent in the rural areas where Miyerijesu carries out his 'demon destroying'. He, like the Boko Haram terror group in northern Nigeria which has its pick of the largely uneducated youths in that part of the country, therefore has a vast pool of potential congregants for his cult. My use of the word 'cult' here does not imply that the other churches in Nigeria which have multimillionaire general overseers, and whatever titles the heads of such churches choose to be known by, are in a different category from Miyerijesu's church. They, at their core, are all basically cults.

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